List of posts

  • Day 10…….. Afternoon

    Goodafternoon, I hope the day finds you well. So much has been done that i can’t wait for the cleanup to be dont then Materials are being produced. I have to dig it out but i have the equipment to melt metal. I am hopeing to be able to produce my own nails, and possible…

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  • GoodMorning…….Day 10

    Well time for celibrations as i have made it to double digit days in the woods. Also a big change in weather. Wood stove is not needed today and i am able to save a bunch of time with that. The ground weeps with the frost and becomes soft again. I have found many many…

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  • Goodevening, the the day treated you well. Myself, bit of a slow morning but now that I have the basics organized things will operate much more efficently. Above is a picture from a spot i like to go and just sit and think. The river is crossable in deep winter and the summer as water…

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  • Good afternoon…. Day 9

    I do hope this day has found you well. The production moves forward quite smoothly. I was able to get the rest of the wood cleanned up i pulled out during the winter. When I first came out It was just after xmas and the wood supply was quite low. So i had to go…

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  • Day 9……..Goodmorning

    Good day, May the day find you in bliss. The day is quite cold, -17 and the woodstove is being a bit hard to lite. However i managed to get it to 10 isn sthe camp and the coffee is strong. I have some prep work to do before i head out. A heavy breakfast…

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  • Good Evening….. Day 8

    What a busy day, wish i had more time so i could do my logs but as of tommarow I will be back to the regularly scedual programing. Or what ever they use to say back in the day. So I got gas and some perishables. coffee was the most important of course. I had…

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  • Day 8……. Morning

    Good Morning. I do hope this day finds you well adn that you are not held down by a feeling of being less then. So as of this morning I have gotten to my parents adn of course i bring the Q-tip. He loves my prents dogs and plays with them so much. I hope…

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  • Day 7 …… night

    Good late evening. If finding this now, i hope your day was kind to you. After a mid-spring day the night has breathed a heavy fog. To walk outside in the darkend forest, the whisp of fog add a majesty to the walk. I have come to terms that night walks into the forest might…

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  • Day……….. 7 Afternoon

    Good Afternoon, I do hope this finds you well. Laundry is a task that sets fire to forearms. I reall, need a wash basin, washboard and clothing ringer so I will become more manualy efficient. Anything more then 30 mins would be too much time to wash a set of clothing, that is not including…

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  • Day 7 …… GoodMorning

    Good morning, i hope this finds you well The day might be stuck inside for the morning. The weather is not agreeing with me and the jobs i have ahead of me are dangerous without dry weather. I have alot of rocks to move and some moss i have to clean up. I am wondering…

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