List of posts

  • Goodevening

    I do hope this finds you well, myself I am quite well. My small amount of exploration hase not gathered me much info on any plants that have indicated what they are. I have to make some kind of deydrator. I will start taking pictures of my blueprints if they work. That way maybe when…

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  • Day 6…Not 7 afternoon

    Good afternoon, I hope the day finds you well. Busy times have become my day as the snow melts the days grow longer. Excitement fills my heart as the ground warm and the world begins to blossom a fresh new spring. As the crisp air turns into a warm hug come the afternoon, It brings…

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  • Good morning, I hope that this day gives you the grace to make it therough. Ohhhhh the morning coffee is strong today, I perfer instant as it give the ability for each cup is as perfect as you want it. Eating loads of eggs every day to help keep up the good stuff in foods.…

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  • Goodevening, I hope the day finds you well. Today ws too short to get the things done out there. I need to be able to get back to my site but the nessesities of life are more important. Having 4 water jusgs and 2 smaller ones for going with me out back are needing to…

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  • The ones with humanity

    Who are your favorite people to be around? The people I like to be around are the ones with humanity. The ones who know that they are a moment, that we know that our mark on life is a great as much as we desire to give the best future to live in for others.…

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  • Day 5….. Goodnight

    As i lay here musing over my day and what has to come, the silence of the night is blessed with the call of coyotes. I will hold my excitement in but to be out overnight in my tent is something that is quite alluring as i will be able to hear all of the…

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  • Day 5. Just a Quick Note

    Today has nothing new so far, alot of brush clean up and trying to make sure my impack on the wildlife is minimum. Speaking of wildlife here is some of the critters I was able to grab a photos of. I am not out to get any of these guys, I want to work with…

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  • Good morning to the ones who are trying to make it in this world. Regret as i have not been able to write eilier but the morning was a bit extra cold and i have to make sure me and my fur nugget stays warm. oh yeah, i never posted a picture of the fur…

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  • Day 4…. Night Note

    Good evening, supper was filling, rice and vegtable mix with a tea. I have a major addiction to coffee, so tea is my night time fix. The night is cold and windy todnight. Thats ok as i ws able to bring this cabin to a healthy 30c eirlier with the sun comming through a window.…

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  • Day 4…. Mid-day Break

    Good Afternoon, I hope this finds you well. The day is beautiful, moving around is more then enough to fight any wind that tries to invade my jacket. I mentioned that water was not a issue. Finding a old well with a hand pump. (humans have been around for yesrs as this land has old…

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