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  • Day Three, this day leaves me sore but up for a walk to see what i can find. knowing this wont be much as the ground is still covered in snow, it does give me the chance to see tracks of what i can espect to see. / Kind of neat is that I was…

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  • Day 2….. Part 2….?

    The end of the day came with alot of wood cut and loaded out. about 4 trailer loads. I have managed to pick a spot for me to build my new home. Just a basic home for right now but it will expand. I hope to have this done by next winter, well I have…

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  • Day 2…. maybe in parts.

    Woke up to my cat licking my nose, Usual morning with my pet waking me to the morning sun. normally about 6 am is wen i wake for the day calls. What i got done in the morning was most of the harder work for the day. cutting down a rather large tree. With a…

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  • Day 1, I think……

    Well, how to explain why? Why i am doing tis and why I am even taking the hard route? Or if this route seems so endeverous and broken from what is called ummm….. normal i guess. To the point i am leaving the world of ease.Called the curse of convince, a name i guess is…

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  • In current year, what ever it may be, that is irrelevant. To the fair minded thoughts of the existence, it’s a damnation of being with a noted wick we compare to others. Adding more and more to the twisted infirmary of being is quite cute. Unraviling a slow insanity bound in all things of thought,…

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  • The Journey Begins

    Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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