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  • Absolute loyalty to the person is a huge thing for me, I want to be called out and not used. This is a weird thing to say but I have come to the acceptence that kindness is conditional these days. There is nothing done fot another person anymore without a future thought that they can…

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  • Good day to you, I do hope you are well and the day has become and left you kindly. What a amazing day, got so much cleaned and a huge amount of wood chopped up and a large tree ready to be lumbered. So what else can be said. A really productive day. Got lots…

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  • Well the day went well, got lots done and I have found more things that will have to be done sooner then later. One thing I will have to do is start to get wood together so I will have heat for next winter. I just woke uo and have a small headach and figured…

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  • Good day to you wonderful people of life!!!!!!! I have been gone and I have missed you terribly. Currently trying to get the fire going so I can make some breakfast. Well fire is going now and as soon as it heats up, egg scammy time!!!! So the days plan is cutting wood up and…

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  • Good day to you wonderful being you, I hope this rainy day has been kind to you. So, I know, I was a bit dramatic in my last post. It happens and I applogise. How ever after studies and understanding the effects. I do believe it was either a dock spider or a couple wood…

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  • The great winter ninjas got me. I am kidding of course but yep I was poisoned. I been feeling really wrong all week. Just not right half dizzy and just could not remember much and eat. I could not figutre it out and just tried to make through it. Then I saw two scabs side…

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  • What is the point of life? What are we here for, why are we so, well human? Look at that pair of bois. Just chilling at lunch time. Well what else, I have been working on getting shit done at the camp but now i am taking the day off and making some food for…

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  • In a day comes forth the quest, a becon of you tasks at hand. Forth with your tanacity and your desires to know what is there. Become the wonderer of your days, allow but the few into the Great Green Castle, for the many block the view. Along with the work I have had to…

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  • Top of the morning to you, for today is going to be a good day. I am going off to walk the woods for the day and hunt something to get meat stores back up. I also need to find out how the animal population is doing. I hopw that the pathways are not flooded…

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  • While getting Logs to turn to lumber is a big thing i have to take care of today, more has been added and this place is slowly becoming a small collection of things that are being done. A collection of things that other people want. However if this does not happen people get pissy, even…

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