List of posts

  • What a beautiful day!! I hope the sun shines upon you as this sunday is a wonderful sunday. I am heading back to parents to get supplies and goods for the next couple weeks. One of the things I am excited for is the water purifier. That is going to change things around here. Just…

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  • What a beautiful day!!!!! Cloudy and windy but I am alive and here to take on the world. (After breakfast). Apparrently it is not going to rain today, most awesome as I want to get back to the spot and get more work done. Got a carb ordered, that and I am getting a water…

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  • Good day fellow being of the concious mind. today was a decent day, lots of rain and more to come tonight. Much needed to help refill the well and make sure I have water. However, today I watched a couple turtles come up to the land and I got the eggs as they are always…

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  • Its been a great day!!! I got alot more trees cut and now have a bunch of wood to cut down into lumber. Then work on the house. However rain for tonight and tomaorrow morning, So that might put a damper on getting things done. Might cool of the past couple days too, 35 is…

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  • Well, I had to make some choices that have effected me greatly. I decided to get a hanging water purifier. That way I have a ability to clean water without having alot of work ahead of me. I also want to make it so that food is being produced and harvested. What else for the…

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  • What a glorious day, a bit damp but me no care just happy you are here with me. What are we up to this morning, well gonna make eggs and toast this morning but I need to get a fire going first. Hmmm should I get that now or in a few. I will give…

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  • Well, today is going to be intresting in trying to get my water filter brought back up. It has already gotten to the hottest part of the day so i am going to take it easy until the heat dies down. Then I will be able to get it without being cooked in the heat.…

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  • Look at this pretty boy, such majesty in the wings and eyes. So much time and effort spent trying to become a perfect flyer. So cool, that is kind fuzzy bum, so cute. Then I was baffled by this cute little lizzard dude. Never before in my life have I ever seen a dude like…

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  • Good day again to you beings of life, may the day bring you hope and joy. With the eirly wake to the morning, the day has gifted me a chance of the peace and quiet of the morning. What does the day hold for me today? Well at my parents for the morning then back…

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  • Good morning to you wonderful creatures of conciousness. Here is to the day and hoping it brings you great joy and hope. Well last night I spent some time upgrading the site, it turned out awesome. Saying that, it still needs some love, that will happen later as I have been cleaning all morning and…

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