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  • Morning to all you beautiful humans out there. I hope your day has come at not cost to your mindfullness and yet still tasks your sainity. For if we choose not to face the devil daily, how are we to keep warm. The baby chonker known as Antares has been a good boy and loves…

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  • As I was worried if they would get along. Nothing a comfy bed and a nap can’t do. They both hae not started to play yet but they are more then happy in each others presence. I am very happy about it as it could have been alot worse for the pair of them. Other…

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  • My fur Nuggets

    Most of the time I have spent is working on my tasks at hand. However, My fur nuggets, I just got the Puppers named Antares the heart of the scorpio constilation. Since I am a scorpio I figure its a good name. Also I have Qtip my precious kitty. Yep Qtip is a derp but…

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  • Say hello to Antares, he is named after the heart star of the Scorpio constilation. Me being a scorpio I figured it was most fitting. He is a most wonderful and very effectionate. A boy of the goodest veriety. Qtip is non chalont about the new addition and does not mind him at all. Much…

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  • Well then, You got me as close to when i woKe up that any mistakes I blame on that. I have just taken my fist sip of coffee and it was not had before the title was wrote. Ok, I am doing better now, The coffee is in my system, not enough but enought for…

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  • Good Day you most wonderful human being you!!!!! What a wonderful day and how the time passing is as graceful as a calm river. So managing to get the camp cleaned up mostly, got the dry goods packed away. I got dishes cleanned up and now really just floors then I should be good. Oh…

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  • Sol

    Though I know traditionaly that the sun does not have a name, and that I had to look up the deffinition of “figure”. The sun is my favorite historical figure. A lot of people can say a human of great consequent or ones who have changed the world. Either for the better or not. I…

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  • Ahhhh, Another great day to be alive. Last night work was major in the sucess department. I managed to get two walls done and closed in. I have the door frammed out. Lots and lots done, That also includes the straw being ordered to insolated my walls. Then once they are done I wil work…

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  • So today is trying to be decent. The clouds are covering the sun, keeping it bellow 30 celcious. So I am going to make some eggs soon and make some toast for breakfast. Then back to the spot to cut down the grass I did not get finished last night. When i was out working…

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  • Just my own.

    As anti climatic and very much a boring idea. I think we have over stimulated the idea of traviling when we bearly know the dirt beneath our feet. That and no matter where you go, you are always there. Your problems, your issues, your soul. So why are we dreaming of far away place to…

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