Day 93, Much done around the yard!!! Antares is learning quickly!!!

Good day to the fellow human of curiosity reading this, I hope the day was kind to you, not a harbenger of dismay.

Well I got the rest of the old garden cleanned up and ready to turn back to grass. The pool is cleanned and ready to go for the filter to be attached for final non chemical cleaning. My parents have a very very good well. Never had a issue and its only 50 feet deep. I can fill the pool with it no stopping until the pool is full. So that is most awesome and I have one job left. Oh kinda mistaken as I have one spot of grass left to cut then have only one job left. Much awesome indeed.

So what eles, Oh yes, Antares is doing absoulutly amazing when it come to learning. Getting the basics of coming when his name is called is better and better. He is also a little bitty but that will come with time. Last night he did do great in the crate. It is beside my bed and I can reach down so he can touch me. The reason for the crate is he had a accident two nights in a row, last night, no accidents last night. poof awesomeness.

I have some pictures to transfer from my phone so I can post them. He is much adorable. Oh, wait, I have them on discord from my phone and I have discord on this, so much awesome.

Absoulute cuteness exsposed 100%

Then I busted the most stealthy of secret agent puppies. Tried to get me but needs much more training.

However I have a puppy passed out on my foot, that has turned my foot numb. So I must go deal with that and try to walk I get feeling back.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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