Day 88, The Parentals

Well then, You got me as close to when i woKe up that any mistakes I blame on that. I have just taken my fist sip of coffee and it was not had before the title was wrote. Ok, I am doing better now, The coffee is in my system, not enough but enought for now.

Well the day is raining and I have not much to do inside without my moms didrectipn so my plan is to get laundry done, then shower, Oh speaking of shower, I am thinking of getting a watering can and using it to make up some sort of shower up. Thought that would help instead of sink baths.

What is the plan for the parental units. Well the weekend is just chilling with my mom, who is the best mom ever, if anyone says diffrent, i will stab you with a pencil. My mom is better. Qtip is out and about playng with the other cattos. He only took like 15 minutes to get used to the animals.

Soooo update news. I think i am getting a doggo. We shall see an dI really want to because it would help out a large amount with the up property and protection. I am hoping so as I am excited for the idea.

Sgort post but I have things to attend too.

Back Later

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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