Day 87, Clean up before I am off to parents house.

Good Day you most wonderful human being you!!!!! What a wonderful day and how the time passing is as graceful as a calm river.

So managing to get the camp cleaned up mostly, got the dry goods packed away. I got dishes cleanned up and now really just floors then I should be good. Oh and Qtip is going with me and very happy about it. He is going to be happy as he has friends at parents house. More kitties and puppies that love the Qtio as much as me.

So what else for the day is just making sure that I dont have anything that could cause a fire. I never had a fire going today, so that is not a worry. As I look around to see what could be a issue and that is just my books. They will go on my bed and wait for my return. One thing that might be really cool is by the time I get back the grape vines growing along the camp should be good to pick.

Anyway of course I must depart as i neeed to get the rest of the cleaning done.

Much Love.

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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