My resilience, I have traversed hell and back. Came out with scars to prove my resilience in the face of death.

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Well I dont think I have ever been asked that before, so first of all, thank you. Secondly, its my resilience in the face of the worst things people can face.

To start some years back I had a brain tumor that was quite large. About the size of a grapefruit. It started on the base of my brain stem just above the blood brain barrier. It grew up and over the left side of my brain and ate away a decent portion of the front left lobe and the nerve unit in my neck was damaged.

Then when I had the operation I was told that there was a good chance I would not recover out of the operation. (coma) and at least I would have issues walking again. Well my resolve said fuck that I have too much to do in life to be broken like that. When i woke up I moved my toes. Damn stright. Two weeks later I was using a cane and now some days are bad and its hard to walk but most are ok. Alot of internal issues, my head is a scary place at time. Just the absolute worst thing happend. My soon to be wife left me a month after the operation saying she was only with me for the insurence and I should have not lived through it. Then she moved to cali and not a word since.

All said and done, I got a zippper tattoo and a big old scar. about 16 inches. I dont grow out my hair as it really hurts. nerve damage. I am 3/4 blind in my left eye and have no feeling in the left side of my face.

I could be worse. I am not allowed to work due to the risks and dont make enough on disability to live in a batchlor appartment. So I chose to live in the woods. Save up disability and got some plant identifier books. As well as mushrooms and fungie. Got a book on survival and its been just over a year I have been doing this and about 100 days I have been working on a home and life.

Anyway thats is what I think is the favorate part of myself.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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