day 79, Lots done, Tornado look out, garden and such ready to fill.

Good Day you beautful soul you. As you can see Qtip is quite the morning snuggle bug. He cant hide his smile though. I see that grin you silly kitty you. Opps, Even got a bit of the ginger beard in that shot too. Oh well, could be worse.

Other then the cutest catto ever, Here is a spider that got a horse fly, I hope it is filling for the spider buddy.

Get ’em little dude, a mighty meal from a mighty fight. kinda weird but i do have a fairly strong love hate relationship with spiders. They are so damn important and I try to wisk the bugs to the web. The only issue that I have is they bite. Some of them bite hard.

Welp, as a added joy we got tornado warning. I am really glad that i was able to get all done and was able to upload the folders so i can just add them. Doing it the other way would be a major issue with the low reception right now. That and i spent the extra time and made sure my house will not blow down. Tomorrow I go and do the base so it has a very ferm foundation.

So this is a major update. As simple as it looks this is a filter so I dont have to go back and forth to the well. I am quite happy about the purchase. Oh and the name brand is “MiniWell” if anyone who finds this is intrested.

This is a really cool side project that was made from scraps and cut offs. I fill the big dips in the ground with rotten wood and I will be going to the rivers edge to collect really good dirt and it will be ready to go for next year.

This is the view from the home down to the garden and where the path out is being made. Soon enough I will have walls. I am hoping that this weekend will be the big push to get the walls up. That way I can lay the plastic out and wrap to the floor. So that is epic as always.

So that is a few updates I have made and I am hoping to have pictures of a lumber pile that will be impressive. Oh and I will also have more mushroom pictures too. Gah so much that makes me epic happy. Oh and also not something I would really take a picture of but I got the Truck jacked up and got a bunch more bullrush cut down. So more then what I can show right now all the same. Most awesome in production.

So with all that I must depart, I have dinner on the wood stove and need to eat as I am staving.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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