Day 78, Making a large amount of progress. Woot woot kick ass.

Gha what a wonderful day!!!! The sun is out, I have the fire going taking the nights damp chill of the camp. soon breakfast will be underway, then onto the work for the day. Plans include getting more fire wood and work on my home. Cant wait but I have more to do then just what is written here but are things that hold no real importance. One thing I am thinking of making but am not sure how I am going about it is a dock onto the water. Just to be able walk out and enjoy the nice view. As I always say, more to do then time in the day.

Woot woot eggs are almost done and as the day slowly takes the morning to a beautiful sunny day. I am just so pleased how much the world has given me. A breath of fresh air, a smell of cut grass, the smell of bread being toasted. Just a perfect morning, Well as perfect as it can be. Oh one big thing I have to remember is to take back the measuring tape, now that I have a bunch of lumber I have to do cuts for the length so I can get more done.

Hmmm what else has been the mornings events. Oh Q-tip is being a normal catto but has gotten himself into trouble. He was trying to take out a blue jay and the blue jay was not having it. Tons of bum bites and attacks from the air. Q-tip was defeated and now much accept the shame of being beaten by a blue jay.

Omg I love eggs so much, just so nummy in anyway they are cooked. They are a eggcenltent meal…. ha! see what i did there. lol.

I will be back in a bit. Just have to get the mojo going and get some shit done.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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