day 77, Lawnmower repaired, lawnmower running again!! might get a bike as the people now know i have been doing every thing by hand.

Well back in the woods and already getting shit done!!!!! Oh sorry too much excitement I forgot to say hi.

Hello good person who is reading this!!!! I hope your day was as good as mine. For if it was, the smile I have is shared amoung many. So, a day ago I was busting my guts trying to get a push lawnmower started, finaly accepted that the carb was just done in. So, 12 bucks later, 15 mins installing new carb 3 pulls and the old girl started right up. I will conceed it runs a little rough but I expect old gas reminents and just sitting so long the piston most likly had carbon build up. So time and heat produced while running will take care of all of that. On top of that I got a miniwell filter and it will do up to 2000 l and that makes me so freaking happy as I am no longer Hauling water very far. So that is another woot woot.

Let see, oh thats right the second thing in the title. Ha! almost forgot. So, the humans that have tasked me with the job of making some lumber for them has become harder and harder. I have no transportation out of the woods to bring the logs out. So them knowing they need a bunch of 6x6x20 I said progress has been slow as I have to carry it all out. They did not know that and have told me they will work on getting me a 4 wheeler to help with the job. That would take me to like 10-15 logs out a day, not 1 or 2.

Next big thing is because of that I have taken a few days and got more logs done up at my spot. That means more pictures of the hut coming up!!!! One thing I have succomed too is the idea that I was trying to take so much on at once. I had to accept that the jobs are going to take too long if I keep adding jobs I am trying to get done. So focused on two jobs now untill they are done, that way I am seeing things being completed and have resolve in that.

So if that is the case, I brought in all the batteries I got and they are being charged tonight so I can go and rattle up more on my home. Oh one more thing before I trail into the thoughts of the day part of this. I also have gotten better at my cuts. I cant wait till tomorrow night to show you. It is all so exciting.

Well, the thoughts as of late has been what I have mentioned before. I had bitten off way more then I can chew. I need to focus on two jobs that I have been tasked with and then also have my home as a singular focus for the most part. Just that I need to have some stuff ready for the winter. I wont be cought off gaurd with how this winter coming in. I know most have no worry as it is 8 months away. That is not a long time when it comes to making a home and heat ready for it. I wont suffer the winter. However, other then that I also have to figure out food as well. It has been hard as of late to think or even get into making a garden. I have a spot cut out and ready to go but I still have so much to do. So I am focused on the house and the two jobs are my priority.

One extra job that has to be done first thing is cutting down the rest of the bullrush and long grass, that way it looks like a nicer place around here. It is a must to maintain the memories here. They run deeper then I can possibly fathom or even find the words to discribe how much it all means.

One thing I did get into a conversation with someone about is my distaine about being called smart. Now my education is not a thing I mean, Have all the intelligence in education, have a hundred languages at finger tips recall. I would have no problem calling them vastly intelligent. I call people who change how we change how we see the fabric of reality. They are the ones I call smart. It is a weird thought, I cant flesh it out as I am not smart enough to do it. Ha! see what I did there. Smart people are like……ummmmm…. the Platos, Einstines, the ones who wrote the program to get to the moon for the first time. The ones who have given us the ability to move forward with the ability to understnad the reality we live in. We are so lucky to have the ability to even think. So we are so nieve on what is left to discover. I like to think, I am not sure where I heard this, I know about 1% of the world, then there is the 1% I dont know, 98% of the things about the world I dont know what I dont know about it. It is a vast world out there. We are finding things that change the view of things everyday. I think we have become so consumed with the infathomable creations of life we cannot stop, we stop to realize the things we can control can make the thing we cannot more tolerable. I have so many things I have no idea how I am going To do or even concieve of a idea to do it. I cant think of that, that will fumble my brain.

However over the night I must find rest.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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