Day 75, the great turtle rescue.

Good day fellow being of the concious mind. today was a decent day, lots of rain and more to come tonight. Much needed to help refill the well and make sure I have water. However, today I watched a couple turtles come up to the land and I got the eggs as they are always eaten by foxes or raccoons. So I shall post my attempts to dig up and properly take care of the babies.

Look look, A small painted turtle, just out and about so i gave him a treat and let him go. Not very happy looking, kinda pissed to be honest. Then again I would be too if a giant picked me up and looked at me with a hedious face. We are generaly ugly and weird as all heck to most animals. So really can you blame them for wanting to eat the face of a monster trying to mess with them. Seriously, we look like a pink,black, tanned whatever color monstrosity and we wonder why we are not loved on first sight.

Should that not be concidered commonsence though. The basic understanding that the majority of the animal kingdom sees us as a destructive crypted that devours not just food but land as well. We kill in their eyes with no reason and will never stop. Kinda what we exactly fear ourselves coming from another world. We are the fear we install on animals, yet we fear the same thing with a alien species. To do to us what we do to others.

Look at all these potential babies!!!!!!! I have looked up everything i could to help these guys along. I hope I have helped then along and you can see the babies when they hatch. Much excitement indeed.

As you can see we have gotten some rain and more today. I am thankful to the rain as the well needed this badly. I am now having a day of cleaning that I have water. With the water filter coming in I will be able to fill the drum and know I will have a surplus of water. The past couple days have been rough on the body, lack of water messed me up.

Even got the ability to see a double rainbow. So there is that epicness.

I must depart,

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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