Day 74, Off to the great green yonder.

Well, I had to make some choices that have effected me greatly. I decided to get a hanging water purifier. That way I have a ability to clean water without having alot of work ahead of me. I also want to make it so that food is being produced and harvested. What else for the quick updates, Nothing that is too crazy.

The water level is still quite low and I have no choice but to use my emerg water until this weekend when I can get my water purifier. Not at all happy I am taping into my emerg water. I can replace it but leaves me worried if something happends I already am tapping into my water.

Breakfast is rice and such mixed together, very nummy and filling. Speaking of, I best top up my coffee and get ready to head out. I just love coffee so much, like a best friend that always cheers you up. However it still is not close to the perfection that is the qtip.

So I must depart and get ready for the all the work that needs to be done.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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