Day 73, goodmorning smexy individual you.

What a glorious day, a bit damp but me no care just happy you are here with me.

What are we up to this morning, well gonna make eggs and toast this morning but I need to get a fire going first. Hmmm should I get that now or in a few. I will give it a few and then go out and get some things needed to get it going. Just enjoying the coffee too much right now. Well I got a fire going and the pan is heating up. I do love me scrambled eggs, with toast of course. Might put some honey on the toast. Just for some extra zest. Going to rock about 6 eggs this morning, Extra hungry this morning.

Well fire is going and crackling along and the pan is heated and full of wisked eggs. Just waiting on them to get 2/3rds done then start toast. I am extra happy as I have lots to do today and will give picture updates on the jobs as the day goes along. Thinking me and qtip will going for a walk and baiting some spots. Then I have to get the supplies from my spot to make my water filter made today. Then see what happens with that. Then back to my spot to get more work done on my home so hopefully be done there soon. That way I can stay there and stop listing to the local idiot.

Nom nom eggs are starting to smell really good and I cant wait, then me and qtip are off for the morning walk to keep the kitty mind and my mind sharp. see maybe if I can get a turkey today. hmmmm I also have hambager I have too cook up. Oh oh I will be making rice burger and veggies tonight!! That sounds so good to be honest. Be right back, Need more wood for fire.

Num Num Num eggs are so good. 4 toast and 6 eggs makes my tummy happy, sun is breaking through the clouds and warming the air. Makes the desires to get things done today quite high. Most awesome, Oh one thing to do is get the water drum set up so i can collect the water and make sure I have clean water. That will be easy to do just have to think then build.

However I must be off to get the day going.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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