Day 71, Look Look, I find different bugs and critters

Look at this pretty boy, such majesty in the wings and eyes. So much time and effort spent trying to become a perfect flyer. So cool, that is kind fuzzy bum, so cute.

Then I was baffled by this cute little lizzard dude. Never before in my life have I ever seen a dude like this. Took some time and effort but with my amazing resource of discord friends. We did end up figuring it out. Broad Head skink. A very pretty little man and he was happy to be set free.

Then there is this king, Hermes. He is at my parents house right now but will be joining me and The Qtip will be joining us up north. I cant wait as he is a major snuggle bug. That and him and tip have almost the same persononality. They both love being up in a lap as much as being outside. They are addicted to nightly snuggles and making sure that I get my head boops.

So the day did give me hope and joy, and a pain in the ass. The water level is so low the well that I get water from is dried out. So I have to go get my water capturing device. I will make sure to show you how it works. Pretty simple idea and it works awesome. I should have it going all day as the heat is more then enough to make it work.

Me and the Qtip went for a walk and found a puffball mushroom that is tiny but what I want to protect it so I can get spores. Making a mushroom farm is going to be easy and nothing to bat a eye at. Currently I have supper on the stove and it is begining to smell amazing. Scrabled eggs, rice with dired veggies, beans and chicken in it. I am extra happy about the chicken. I really need the energy for tomarrow is going to be a extesive day physicaly. Just getting the water collector brought up is going to be a task and a half. Oh cannot forget about the 4 peices of toast with it all.

So as I sit here I am getting quite hungry so I must depart.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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