Day 70 Oh Snap, look at you, being all awesome like.

Good day again to you beings of life, may the day bring you hope and joy.

With the eirly wake to the morning, the day has gifted me a chance of the peace and quiet of the morning.

What does the day hold for me today? Well at my parents for the morning then back to the camp. I have to get to work finishing my house an dthe garden to make sure I am keeping up with the things that have to be done. To continiue on with what is going on this morning. My brother has his kids here so that is something i guess. I am still held at arms length by alot of the family, long story but I was proven 100% innocent and pride still lays down infront of him. Oh well could care less, My life has way to much going on to hold back now.

What else is happining this morning, well the coffee is strong and nummy, I also have to go out and check on the kitties and chickens. just to be a good human for the parents.

How about you guys, anything special going on today for yourself? Or is the weekend just to help keep you relaxed for the next work week. Well not the typical work week for me but still all the same. I also have to get the things prepped up north for possibility of getting a buggy up there. Would be amazing and help alot. Meh, workng the body to stay in shape is good enough.

Still though, I want to have so much more done and will get there. What else is planned for the day, Oh oh i was able to work on the mindcraft server last night. I got it up and will link it at the bottem on this so if anyone wants to join they can. It is just a basic one but also just a place to chill.

Before all of this happens, coffee is needed, muchly.

Wonder if I could work some more clay out of the ground when i get back up north, just need alot more so I will be able to make clay tiles. Should need about 600 I think. That should be enough to do my roof. One thing I will have to do as well is make a form so I can make them at a fair speed. That way I am hoping that by this winter it will be a epic build with lots of warmth and food. Much excitment indeed.

Oh oh lately I have fallen in love with the french vanella in my coffee, soooooo good. I am pondering what to have for breakfast, not sure if I want toast and peanut butter. Maybe, just maybe some eggs too. Who knows but I do think that I should be off and get some stuff done while the other humans are sleeping.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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