Day 69, Oh how you beautiful creatures are my love.

Good morning to you wonderful creatures of conciousness. Here is to the day and hoping it brings you great joy and hope.

Well last night I spent some time upgrading the site, it turned out awesome. Saying that, it still needs some love, that will happen later as I have been cleaning all morning and have to make sure all things are packed and ready to go. That wont take too long but still have things to attend too that is part of packing that will extend how long it takes. Making sure that the wood stove is out and the risk of any fire is attended too. Other then that the outside cook stove needs to be tidied and picked up. Just a few things to take care of in the camp, such as folding laundry and making the bed before I leave for the night. Qtip will be happy as the friend is ready to come up for him.

Attending to the out door stuff will be done sooner then later. As being unsure as the the time I will be leaving. Oh Oh one thing that is awesome is that my case for the tablet. Stating that it means taking it with me into the woods is going to be easy. More pictures and trying to identify plants will be able to be posted. So we can be educated on what we have out here to harvest. One thing that was just passing my mind was checking the dry good supply……….

Ok, back from checking the supplies. Things that have to be picked up. Bean melody mix, some dried veggies but I think that is good for dired goods. Bread, milk and other small things but that is small stuff. Getting back tomarrow afternoon I already have wood cut and ready to bring out so I can be fire ready. That way cooking is going to be easy. However one thing that has to be done is getting the jugs refilled. Water jugs is what I mean. I am also hoping to have the space to bring the lawn mower up so the grass can finaly be cut as well. Unfortunataly where my garden is going has to be cut down before I can hand till it. Oh how that excites me as it will be another step to being self suffecent.

So onto the next thing that is going to happen, also this being the last note before I must depart. I am opening a mine craft map, excited about that as it will bring in more people to share stories with.

How ever I must depart.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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