Hmmm I think loyalty is most important

Absolute loyalty to the person is a huge thing for me, I want to be called out and not used. This is a weird thing to say but I have come to the acceptence that kindness is conditional these days. There is nothing done fot another person anymore without a future thought that they can use that moment to get a favor. A true loyal friend would never think of that but out right ask. That is loyalty to the person on the inside and out, not just surface values. I try to be that but trying to be that is not easy when you grew up surrounded by that concept. So having few people I am loyal to I would die for, being a human shield in the worst of situations would be my honor. They are also loyal and have been honest to me in downfall, as I to them.

We need loyalty in kinship these days. For its a lost concept.

Daily writing prompt
What quality do you value most in a friend?

One response to “Hmmm I think loyalty is most important”

  1. So true, many people see others as disposable. Then they wake up one day completely alone!

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