Day 68, Well Then, Its Great To Be Alive.

Good day to you, I do hope you are well and the day has become and left you kindly.

What a amazing day, got so much cleaned and a huge amount of wood chopped up and a large tree ready to be lumbered. So what else can be said. A really productive day.

Got lots done and the tree should be lumbered as of tomarrow. So that is most awesome.

So that and been pondering the results of the trial today, yes the Trump trial. Not picking a side as no matter what it wont effect me. Just worried how it will turn the turmoil this will bring forth. The states are in enough trouble, I am worried about the average person. Just no matter what the results were it was going to be chaos.

Back to the world at my hand, I have seen the turtles coming up and seeing them lay eggs. Snapping turtles so getting even a bit close is not recomended. Even walking the woods has brought me to more and more thoughts that are of the world and not of just mine. Even though excaping the world having some intrest has still lingered. With all the chaos and the pain people are hurting in many diffrent ways.

What are we all going to do if things do burn, I want you all to be safe but this is going to have far reaching effects then not. Also one thing having to be done was me getting onto to a better set of meds. I was getting off the rocker in my mind and was not able to be honest with how I was doing. I was just getting angry and coming here it is hard to be open when I know my words are not just my heart but from angry thoughts.

So what is the world doing, I have to take a look at the news more and come here with more and deeper thoughts of the world. That and I have been collecting and I am getting a journal type book so I can mark down were I find good plants. Wondering how the world worked before it became so made ready. Finding out that acorns are a pleantiful source of flour. So collecting a source will be very important. I have found what seem to be edible plants and have to more comparisons. Funny how much gumption given to this I already have a person trying to make me question the things I am doing. That person can kick dirt, I have managed to make it this far and not giving up yet.

What else, well finding a love for rice and beans has been surprising. The combination has become very lovely and filling. I want to see if growing beans is a option here. I have apples everywhere so that is a huge bonus. Making a garden has become part of the number one thing that needs to get done. The tree and the out house building has to take more importance. Soon enough wood will be done and then back to working on the house. I have a source of straw for insolation, this will be a huge jump in getting things done.

Thanks for sticking around. I have to depart and make sure breakfast is ready for morning

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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