Day 67……. No Data Make Ginger Unable To Post. Makes A Sad Ginger.

Good day to you wonderful people of life!!!!!!!

I have been gone and I have missed you terribly. Currently trying to get the fire going so I can make some breakfast. Well fire is going now and as soon as it heats up, egg scammy time!!!! So the days plan is cutting wood up and getting a bunch more boards cut so I can get more building done. I am onto the walls and need to insolate for the winter. I am also going out to get a bunch of pics today for you wonderful people. I have alot of things that are coming along that is going to be beautiful.

So finding more and more tracks I have to say I think I have pulled in alot of wild life to help me along the way of getting meat. Just progress, alot of progress and very happy about it. What is next, FOOD, I am starving and eagerly awaiting my eggs to cook. Soon i will have them and not bee feeling ugh.

Ontop of the regular I have a truck to tear apart and then I am free to cut more shit up and get more done. Birds are singing and the world is sunny, far better then the previous days have been. Rain and thunder was fill the atmoshpere, comming with that is a crappy day. Even though cleaning was done, I like getting the bigger things done. Oh, I can smell my eggs, think they might be done soon.

Ok, those eggs were made in perfection. Sometimes youu make a egg sandwitch and it just is exactly what you are looking for. The fire will remain going for the day as the dampness from last night is holding on strong. The usual just that happiness is flowing through me today. Just a good day, I blame it on you. Just because.

However I must be off and get things going.

Much Love

Your friendly Ginger From The Woods

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