Day 61, Time To Get More Logs.

While getting Logs to turn to lumber is a big thing i have to take care of today, more has been added and this place is slowly becoming a small collection of things that are being done. A collection of things that other people want. However if this does not happen people get pissy, even though its jobs they started and now i have to finish. to be honest That is almost the par usual of late. Whatever as this is the last job that even had a single cell of mine on it so the net time they ask, no. I am working on my life and home now. You have had decades before me to do these things and now you have me so you want them done. How does that saying go, Go Fuck Yourself.

So Today I have alot of things to attend too. From getting logs to moving my cook stove. Then and I have to make and prep meals for the next couple days.

The next big job will be to dismantle and move some more things but that is not to the nessasary right now. It is going to be raining tonight so I want to make sure I get wood and stuff together so i can cook tonight as well. I want to also move alot of rock today. I need to make a trailer. that can handle the weight, As the rickshaw trailer I made is not strong enough to carry rocks. I will be needing alot of rocks.

What is next in the plan of the day as of right now. Just waiting on coffee to finish brewing then After that go get my cook stove together. Even before I eat I have to make sure this will work as I need to have it ready. I have alot to do and never enough hours in the day.

Par usual I have to take off and get more things done. food cannot be cooked right now and that is a must to continue on.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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