Day 58 To You, A Blessing,I Give You Everything.

With the times we face, a darkness not distributed before. A potent lust in the air of pain being force share across the world. People counting on solar flairs to take us out, waiting for a nuclear was to happen so the pain of the life in fear can be over. As we focus on what we want in life we should not become distant with what is really happening to us. Asking for the impossible we cant have world peace, we beg for development of our culture and society to ever truly care for another’s then our selves. I ow the starting idea of this blog was to work n making it on my own but I have discovered the truth of doing so, You get alot f tie to think about what you have done in life and what we really are as worldly creatures. Oh also, good snuggly morning from the qtip as well

As always he has to have his morning snuggles. Even if he has a night full of the best snuggles ever, he needs his morning snugs like I need my morning coffee. To be honest I am kinda craving some toast, so that will most likely be my short term breakfast. Around lunch I will be heading out to go get more supplies and make sure that supplies here do not get too low. Being out of some of the basics has left me a bit worried in the past couple days. That worry is all over now and will have lots to do.

Still have a couple hours before I head out so I am sucking up all the snuggles I can from qtip. He has to stay here while i get supplies. I do not like it as i really miss my babies,

however getting the last things packed is becoming more and more important.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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