When It Ends, Will You Smile

What are the goals we make up to say we achieved something, gifts to ourselves to say we made it? Is it a monocrumb of a sence of pride we lust for and will sacrifice the light for the dark to show us we are the better kind? Are we jsut a bunch of alienated creatures that lust for the destruction of the world we cannot control untill all living things are below us in a refuse of our creation. Is it that we want to be better that we position things in our path naturaly lesser then ourselves so we have a forced opinion of succession. Do you know when the last time you wept for the many who have died and told the few who believe in you that you truly care but yet those words are bathed in the blood of lies. When is the last time humanity over turned profit, it cant, your humanitarian efforts lead you to a position of knowlage you helped another. What was the cost, not to you as that is what we always look at, what are our cost. Donations to countries run by devilish means even when the holiest of means are sent, they delivery is pain and anguish. Do we recondized our donations and credits we give to countries run by blood are doing nothing but refilling the glass dechanter with the tears of the dead.

Why is it we all are such ambitious creatures to fullfill our qouta of things we see as good but never look beyond the creation of the surface vale. Speaking now answers, only the questions that have been plauged by the many. We send items in the name of love but are used as a bartering trade for a bodies innocents. A young girl bleeds for the items you sent. Hav eyou done well to provent pain or proliferate a childs innocence being used s a bartering tool for the things you sent. It is a qaulm no one wishes to think of but few ever realize that they are the ones who give profit to devils.

I offer no answers, as a foolish child of being able to even think, Forbades me from ever understanding the darkness. Can you understand the darkness, can you tell me why. If you could are you not a product of the darkness we proliforate. We buy clothing and digital supplies that have the desicration of gods written all over it. We pity the ones who are broken but offer no cast to heal only more bats to break them. Is the mantality of man always to have a slave beneath us we shall not talk about. For we all already do, speak your hollow words, fight your onesided enslavement of your addiction. If you were to care you would not be able to read these words. Foremost your eyes would read this not from a written note or a page in a astroligist dreams, It is found on the blood of Gods, men, women and children. Who are we to say we are the rightious when we pay the devils due with our technology. Blinded by the thinly valed screen you read from should the tears of many fall.

Within us all is a creature of fear lust and depravity, hope is not a natural means of fighting. Hope requires ideals of a better world and a world of indulgence we cannot resit. We hope to keep what we have, we hope the world stays the same we hope that war and death comes at no cost to us. Has hope become the driver of lust and depravity now that we have what we desire. The poor desire food, The middle class desires for depravity and the rich lust for hidden glorifaction of self. Has the very being in ourselves evolved to pay the poor to eat the scraps so we dont have to discover them when we walk the land. A underground existence on the leftovers from ontop the ladder we created with paper money. Coins of metal weighing down the light within to allow the shadow of success to cool us while the rest burn in caustic mines.

This is not to find answers, only questions. Answers come with both the knowlage of why and the example of how. why do we do what we do and how are we so blind to the decay of the many for the perfection of the few. Beauty Creams developed through a animails suffer is just a mold of pain to hide the demons under your skin. You wear a ivory set of lustful earings or a ring made of jade. A sight to bring forth your importance is not but another death. Is it that what we are. Provisioners of death, a clan of isestuous wealth and security so no one will see the blood that we cover with our sheets of value. soes your 3000 tread count sheet allow you to forgive yourself.

As my word indicated above, no answers will be found here, that is beyond me, all i write are the words that struggle to find light when the price of them is everything.

To the ones who gave your life, your soul, your children so that these words can be read. know your sacrafice of blood is upon my mind and the vale is not as thick as you think it is. you are slowy breaking through. you will see the light when the rich burn, for the glow of fire is only known by you, when the fire reaches us. Do not give us sympathy, give us what we gave you. a vale to hide the atrocities and then we can feel the true cost of what we have.

With love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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