Day 57, Good Morning, Your A Beautiful Creation Of Life.

What a beautiful morning to wake up too. The sun is out and the life is going great. I am just waiting on a text to see if I am going to get more supplies today or tomarrow. I hope today but if not, such a thing cannot be helped. The next plan of action for the day will be either packing or working more on my home. I just am happy that I have begun to see a future here. It makes me happy. I have a huge amount of hope that either life is going to get better. Or that we are all screwed. That is however on a lesser likely hood.

So I want to discuss something, I think I am right here. Well to be honest I know I am because it is my world i live in. Ever been cought up in the idea that people are lacking the ability to think. I may have brought this up before but are people just not thinking or do they just live in a autopilot existence. I am not trying to be a asshole but I am trying to understand what is going on with the world or more less the western world.

So as for a example, I am wondering if people can process the simplistic ideals without imputing their own desires into the ideal. Its almost like instead if listining people are interpiting it with their own life and not using the words spoken to understand the person. I find this very very anoying as the person perceives what is the problem and not what the issue accualy is. Its a very weird thing that I have noticed. Its like a person is trying to validate their life by the advice they give from their own experience. Without seeing out side their own being they only use what they know to dictate the answer. Sounds odd I know but the best way to discribe it is like this. I am listing to a person who is talking about work and I have no idea of what they do. Only that the problem is insuffcent part delivery, they bitch and chew about how the person delivering them is slow. Ok so why dont they just go and get the parts then. You know the problem is human based but refuse to deal with the issue and rather just relaize they can go get the parts and then make the slow person obsolete and you get a raise for performance. Step over the person and make it obvious they are a decline in the profit and you are better then two people as a single idividual. The slow person may get fired and people want to feel bad for the slow individual. Why are we so concerened with the slow person. When I laboured for a construction crew. If the idividual was slow or iniffective the whole crew suffered. So we fired the person who is slowing us down, the others picked up the slack and then we go through another labourer. Just weired how we sympathize with the weakest and not celibrate the ones who carry the greater load.

However Since I cant get it I must try to be part of a world I create were each individual must be producing at a rate that is perportional to their needs. I am my own source of housing food and such. So I must make sure i have the basics to live, I may get help time to time but i make sure to do everything I can to be self sufficent. I just am a confused ginger and have random thoughts that might not make sence but i am trying to understand myself. I do hope you have a good adya and hopefully will be back tonight for the daily report.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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