Day 54.5 Lets Have A Chat.

Well today was a good day but the night has me in my ouwn head pondering things. Just feel some days are not enough. Some times I am thinking that I am not creating enough to truly progress. Then I have to realize that the stove I made is working amazingly, the flat top stove is working very well too. Then all the wood I have cut up and used to put it though the test. I dont know because if I think to much about it, it forms a hollow heart deal and that just makes things so much harder to fight. Since this is a problem I am taking time tomarrow and just going to spend tomarrow at my spot and work on it all day. Just have to make the progress there so I can feel like I have done something.

Trying to think of other things, lets ponder the next few years. we could spend debating politics but I want to skip that and talk about the really close what ifs. What if things get so bad in economic sence are people really ready for it. Stating it being a mad max is too far but do people have the idea of what it is going to take. I have been very lucky and have acess to dried goods so i can eat. Are the cities ready if a revolt happens from people going through starvation? No matter what side we chant in the names of our wanted leaders. The streets we once called hockey rinks and the side walks we once met up with out best friends on are now homes to many of the ones subdued by any or many of the classical sins.

Speaking of those things could go on forever, just wondering if we are ready for what comes next. Looking back in time we as a creature of intelligence and ability faced many trials and became victors. This time we are in now is much more then we have ever faced before. From taming the wild west to bringing greater social standards we all had a goal of prosperity. Do we even have such a thing now? All the crying we do seems to be so topical while the things beneath are rotting away and we have our base structures of humanity being torn away. Neighbours now hang different “flags” either of nation or idiology. Non have the ideals of a way ahead. Just the manifastations of the now.

With pondering all these things the mind races and I should not antaganise the mind or I wont rest.

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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