Day 51.5. My Bad, I Got Distracted Today…….

So I got cought up making a oven today, I just know its going to be a hot summer so this will reduce heat in the cabbin. I know I was talking about going to get a spot together for potatoes but thisd just happened. Opps. So as of tomarrow I am off to maske a garden. So what this was is two drums cut apart as you can see but put together a spacific way, I am tired and have not eaten dinner so I cannot dedicate the time to write it all out right now. My apologies. So after dinner I have to take time and do dishes and get ready for the morning. However I am very happy to be back and Morning will have a update about how I made this. After that i have to go move stuff around and will get the pictures of my clay mine and show you how i cleanned the clay. Until then,

Much Love

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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