Day 50.5 The Catch Up On What I have Done.

Well it has bee/n a bit but my life got complicated and had to dedicate time else where. However it looks like things have calmed dow for now. So what has happened as of late. This happend.

As you can see i have made alot of progress. I hit a stale mate and chainsaw is down adn out but i have one comming in. Qtip has been the best helper ever of course. all in all things have been going better and better. my next major goal is to get all the things across the river back on this side so i can know that the old spot is cleanned up. Things have been hard in the sence of personal worth but that is the days when things go wrong. that is not as often a it used to be before i moved here. I dont know if it is me or not but things alwasybreak down, i try to see where i fucked up but i dont see it and people never tell me so i just would sit there frustrated. out here I just have to face myself. to be honest it is not that bad just wondering what my life will mean in the end. That is what this is all about, to have something left behind so that others can see the pains of life without the world being at my front door. Well at least the world is at my door but the human world is held at bay. Makes me feel like i have hope i can win in this thing we call life.

What is in the future, well tomarrow i plan on working on the oven/kiln. I just need to make that as it will be essential in the close future. from baking bread to making pitch it will very essential.

This is a clay pot i am trying to make, i accualy mined this clay and cleaned of all debree and such and i am using this for making pitch.

So like a lot of stuff has been done but still need to get alot more done. I will be doing a breakdown of how i cleaned the clay and such tomarrow. just to have a way to share how i have done things. The clay will be used to fil all the holes in the side of the boards in the house i am building. Just happy with how things have gone and know now what has to be done. Any way i need food and shall be back in the morning.

much love

Your Freindly Ginger From The Woods

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