GoodMorning!!!!!! Day 45!!!!!!

Good morning to you beautiful creations of life. Thinking of all the times i have been running back and forth bringing stuff in and work ijng my ass off. I am seeing the future become more clear and hopefull. Well for me at least, the rest of the world is still burning away but that is not my problem. Hate it or not that is something we all have to come to terms with.

Anyway the plan for the day!!!!! getting the basic frame done so i can start putting up walls!!!!!!!! Only a couple days away and i might be able to sleep in it. That would be amazing, for some that just reminded me of the dream i had last night. It was about the doggo from the last puss and boots movie. I heard the voice in my head when I typed out amazing. Weird.

Well it is true that the first sip of coffee in the morning is the best, I must concure as it was quite nummy and my insides are happy. One of the first things I will have to do is make sure that the leg bolts are in before i do anything else. That is easy enough but takes a bit of time. I wil cut off lengths of the outter cuts and make sure that the cut ends are covered. Just so this place will stay looking like a house from back in the day. I know things here look foolish but to the ones who know, They know and that is all that matters.

Onto the world I hope that the things that cause you to be so angry and resentful become less and less. It seems that the west has become zombified in a coalition of just work food and sleep. If truly caring they would be more investagative in life. See how the things around them are what shape them. I weap for the ones with no choice but i fear that is but the tip of a being that is too gracious with kindness. I am but a fool of man and i have no way to see the future. Just hope is has more kinship then devistation.

So upon request every two weeks I will be adding videos every two weeks, just tib bits of what i am doing and what my plan is. Just to be a bit more neat with how i show this stuff off. I am very proud of it and cannot wait untill the time it is complete. I hope that the day brings you great joy and you havd progress in all ways needed.

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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