Day 41, You Wonderful Creatures Are A Gift Of Cosmos.

Good-day to the beautiful creation of life and death, to you I give a part of my being with each post. A hope in a gift that the one who finds this is at a place without indignate conciousness.

What a day, I have to say i got alot done and i have see many things that have made me more humble ten I have been in a long time. Animals of bitter rivalry becoming co-operatiors in life. A snake giving a frog protection from a avian foe they both fear. Darkness encapmed then bothe and for that a rivalry has become a team of greater means. The workd is better at seeing odds that matter then humans I find. Why it seems to me that we are not natural anymore. Once we were a creation of nature and the random events that have given us life. Just at some point we have become less then we could have and the easy road has lead us down a path of defult destuctive evolution.

I wish i was better at wording what i mean. My intellegence check is not that high. However what i mean is that if we are to be the best evolution of our beings , why do we do things that inhibit the best qualities that could benifit us and we have become husks of a evolution cancer. Between destoying parasidic relations ships in our bodies we once had, no destroyed by modern medicen we now have bodues that have become alergic to the very thing we evolved in. That we have become the modern watermellon. I mean we have focused on becomeing stronger on the outside that we have become nothing more then a mixture of soft organs that cant even function in a way that was done 60 years ago. Symbiotic relationships are a disease to us and we eliminated if from our bodies. Due to that our shell may be stronger, our insides are weak and diseased.

I write this not to be depressing but to acknolage the world we live in is no longer willing to be part of us or welcom us in to it. I am not to stand and await the raping of the land to be a concenquence I suffer for other that dont care. I think that is my great realization of my life. The human world is not capatable with the natural world anymore. Lies, deception, cruelty, betrayal, these are all human things. Nature is not a being of diversive means, it cares not what you offer, what you plan to give, what you plan to take. I will become aware of you and deal with you in time. I think we are oblivious to what exist because we cannot interct with it. Just because something is beyond us does not mean it cannot effect us. We are a part of something bigger then the planet, bigger then the sols reach, just bigger and yert we act as if we are the kings and queens. We are in lue of being humbled and brough back to where we should be.

I dont know what it is or what i am here for, I just know that we were and are wrong for a very long time now.

Please seek love and kinship, it is what we need.

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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