Rise and shine to day 30……….. One month, awesome!!!!!!

Good day you beautiful creatures of evolution!!!!!! Day 30 in the woods, damn dosent seem that long. Hoever, the theirtith day comes with a slight vacatin from the labour. The snow has made a small comeback and stands firm on the ground. I take the day and call it a Q-Tip snuggle day.

The lap is always warm with my fur nugget finding hi home and giving me his purrs of joy. I do love how his ears look like frosted tips from the 90s. Truly he is the most beautiful of cattos, well to me.

Now that Q-tip is out for his morning pee and poop i can have my stogert and coffee. I call it a stoggart but I am not sure What to call it. I usually smoke one a week. they taste nummy and are used to celibrate one thing or another.

i know smoking is not good for you, heard it all my adult life, I say life is bad for you because eventually it will kill you too. Its a life worth living whn you do some naughty things, only withing law, the world is filled with child rapist, child delivery servics for avbuse, boarder agents admitting they know of many kids sold into sex trafficing. arnt you discusted because you are paying for them to do this. (your taxes). because of your nievity to the reality your paying child sex trafficers tpo bring kids into your country. just saying if it comes to stone and stone comparison. That is what we are doing.

to better topics, I have a hot coffee and a stoggart waiting for me and will be back soone then later.

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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