Day 28……. Back into the woods I love………….

Alright, your all screwed now, i am back baby!!!!!!!! I was thinking that i might have been able to keep up schedua;l with the past two sdays but, alas, not so much. When i went to the parents house i found that they seemed to have some diffrences in them. After long observations and conversation that the family has anothe instance when one of them has fucked up. This time so bad that the people directly effected by this moment in time have decide to go on a trip and leave him behind. To be honest the heart break of his actions (not chrating or anything to do with other humans. more less letting a animal (horse) suffer for weeks while he spent thousands elsewhere on things best concidered toys for adults. I am completely and utterly discusted by his actions.

However on to the better side of things. I was able to refresh all stooks in the camp. i got enough perserves to last at least a month and meat is not a issue. I will be back with my standard two post a day again. par usual just kinda hectec when i am out and about. Oh I have come to find that I find no comfort in the standard home anymore. Waking upi a bit chilled for the cold nights and From the syphalis exparentmnet knowing that i am the one and only thing keeping me alive. It has become a better life for me. I thought i would one day be able to find the once serenity in the human collective but what seems like a hive mind is almost discusting to me. Formulation of ideals are centered around the basis of news that i found to be as trustworth as a crocadile who has not eaten in a month to crry a baby across a river. How are people so blind, do you not realize that the world is basicly a version of the truman show now. Everything is recorded and uploaded to a hivemind that refuses the very thing they see because the news saisd, “umm thats not true”. A infection that has become a self eliminating disease that has infected almost everyone. From the syphilis injections the us gave its people to the mockingbird realease, sub way bacilis trials, to the lack of testing on so many drugs that its hard to even call most natural humans anymore as we have begun to evolve not for the better but for the lazy.

With all kinds of crazy thoughts like that it is best i step back from here and go get some things done before i go to the cray cray level of things.

Wishing you all well

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

2 responses to “Day 28……. Back into the woods I love………….”

  1. Wow that was a lot to digest.


    1. yyeah, i may not be 100% but i try to be, check my knowlage 4 diffeent way. just alot on my mijnd as of late


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