GoodMorning!!!!!!!!!!!Day 26!!!!!!!Time To Cleanup

Good morning great specimins of mindfullness, May the day shine upon you the warmth of our great fusion genarator. The day feels a bit damp and i have gotten the fire burning ever so wonderfully. The sun breaks througn the clouds and tend to provide a slight break to the damp chill, a grace for I am thankful for. Ah for it does not take long for the camp to begin to creek and groan with its own type of strettching from the nights sleep.

The coffee is bold and the hopes of the day are just as strong. Plans are that I am going to be cleaning around the camp today and get more water. I have a 50 gallon drum for water i am thinking of filling. It would take a part of the dy that would be more then less. Then also with all the potatoes i fried upi last night I should make some eggs and warm them up.

The biggest plan of the day really Will be getting the dead grass raked up and burned. I have lots of dead tree limbs and such around here that has built up over the winter. I was smart enough to make sure i bring out the chainsaw and such so i can cut up the stuff on the ground. This sat i will be going back to parents to refil on gas and food then back out here sun. Two weeks in on day out is the best right now as it gives mw time to get thing s done and plan ahead. I cant wait until I am here with no need to leave.

I wish you all the best in life and hope you find grace in the day,

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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