GoodMorning………… Day 25!!!!!!!!!!! Much love for the progress

The day is young and the world is welcoming! I hope you have brought from your dreams the hopes and love for a better day. Sun creeping throught the windows and the smell of the fire starting to fill my senses, Truly It is a beasutiful day. I have a lot to get done today, I have a system i want to try out to help make my cuts quicker and hopefully better. Also I know i ws talking about foundation today and yes that is going to happen but i have to vclean up the logs i have cut down into lumber. Each day i find more ansers about myself here and that has brought me much peace.

I am going to make some eggs and toaast this morning, sound very yummy indeed. Most likely 6 eggs over 2 sammies (sandwitch). This after noon i am thinking of doing a big potatoe fry up, kind got a french fry cravbing. I have gravy but no cheese, damn. All good as there is much more things that have importance greater then cheese. I think I am aslo going to get a bunch of kidling stock pilled as the days ahead indicate a chill coming in so having that ahead will be smart. Just to keep warm. I should look at the month ahead and see what i should be doing when it comes to heat.

However the day has granted me warmth and I should tend to breaskfast, Might take a exta sammie back into the woods with me just to make it longer in the woods.

Take care and know your worth it.

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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