GoodAfternoon/Evening!!!!!! Day 25!!!!!!

Greetings to whome sees this, I do hope the day has found you well.Things around here took another good step foarward, could not make the big leap i wasnted too as getting back and getting water back and forth was very important for me to be able to make any food or do any dishes. Oh check this out, behold my water transporting way. 🙂

It two regualr 20L or 25L jusgs and I carry them on my shoulders with what i have officaly called “It two regualr 20L or 25L jusgs and I carry them on my shoulders with what i have officaly called “the stick of carrying. It works well and it is a whole lot easier the by hand. I am thankfil that the greatest distance i have to cover is avout half a km there and half a km back. One mehish size hill. Keeps my leg day going.

The next kinda neat thing i found, in one of the trees I cut down to lumber I think this is when at some point lighting hit this tree. I might be wring, i am not sure but i think it is pretty cool

As i said, Not really sure what is going on with this tree but it is a neat look and does have the same consistancy as charcoal.

Ay you can see even the stump was “burnt”.

however the night draws in and i will be better at getting these done eirlier so i have more energy for the post.

Thank you for your time.

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods

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