GoodAfternoon……Day 24………Alot of Progress!!!!!!

Good Afternoon you beautiful specimens of life. Today was huge in the sucsess department. I mannaged to get a Pair of treees down and rip some 2x10x10s and as tommarrow comes, Time to set foundation. What that means is i will have to pick my final spot and move some blocks!!!!

This is only one of the 3 i cut and needed. I will not need four as i have a beam that has to be cut down two inches so I can make the fourth out of that. This is jsut amazing, I really thought it was going to take much longer tpo even get this far. Life is really shinning down on me today and I hope that is has given you the same grace.

Well other then that me and Q-Tip when for ourt daily walk and now he is passed out. He really is the best companion, I will have to get a puppy soonish as I will need one to help keep me both protected and a partner in the hunt for food. The geese in have found their spots and have begun to nest, oh how I hope to see some babies. They are awefuly cute. Soon in the long grass i will find baby bunnies as usual and i will have to take some pictures for you. They are such cute fuzz balls. The couple side progects around here will have to be asorted and attended too soon. I am down to my last bit of water (in large jugs) will have to refill them. As not having the buggy anymore it is abouot a half km walk each way. With that might take me ohhh about 2 hours to fill all my jugs. Not too bad, I can also say I got my cardio for the day.

Onto the next part of the day, the warm coffee welcomes me back, the food is warming up. Truly the end of the day has brough me the the joy knowing progress has made. I do hope your day has brought this as well. Somedays just breathing can be hard and know that those days, just breathing is more then enough, don’t fret as the the sun will await you tommarow.

Your friendly Ginger From The Woods

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