GoodAfternoon……..Day 23!!!!!!!

The day was great as i have now gotten everything ready to lay out the base on the foundation and start building up. This brings me much joy as i should be alot quicker with the rest. I have a plan to build the walls in full pannels then cut out the doors and windows once the walls are up. Just frame as I cut ouot, should not be hard as i have spent a few yesrs with a carpenter so my knowlage should be enough to do this,


To give a few pics i have noticesd that the world is changing day by day now so these moments i was able to catch them in eternity,

Really neat how the it looks like the waves caused by the wind almost look frozen in time. One thing that crosses my mind time to time is that each day we ecounter many things that are a commulation of the thousands of events to gift you with a moment we pass over as if this thing was nothing. Stating this, not saying we need to be in awe of the world at all times. Just that with the world has given you a chance to stop and realized that moment was only witnessed by you. Never again will the small thing that happend in front of you would ever happen again. No matter how many years pass never again will that very memory you have will ever be duplicated. Just once in a while we should stop and realize that, accept it as a moment just for you. When so much of the wprld bound ato a hand held computer to look for the nexrt blessing of a reason to feel good about themselves. We should realize that the world gives us thousands of unique monemts just for you, that if you just reduce your personal ego enough, you see a world teady to gift you life long feelings of acceptence and love from within.

With this post being over time, Making dinner and bringing wood in breaking apart the time i have spent on this. It has given a time to ponder and wonder. One of the biggest things that has changed is that we have become infathomably desired to arguwe about reality, A odd statement but when i look at the world, so many have been hypnotized into the human experience only matters if you have a idiology. With that idiology they have created clans without a cause. There is no end fullfillment in any idiology i have encountered. They are all machines that are fuled by the time dedicated by the ones who believe in it. A machine that only lives to consume life. Have we become infantalized with ourselves that we have to have a god, are we so sexualy addicted to social acceptence that we have become irrationaly insaine to feed that machine. My ramblings, they are, oddd. I know i am not unique, in the vastness of the mind scapes we all create, new ideas or concepts to dictate reality are few. Just that i hope there is more to us then what we have shown. If not, I think we are a failed exparament of evolution that became unkillable by normal means.

I would not with the those words say the humans dont have the right to exist. I just thing we have abused it, if i can put what i am thinking into words. Also do people do that? Do they think in a way that language is not used? The concepts are born into existence with a understanding of the, already? Say i come up with a idea to make something, it comes to me and i know how to make everything i need. How to make it and how it will work. I see it all and then when i try to discribe it the words become a broken tool. I was just curious I guess.

I also want to thatnk you for being here. This adventure is in its infantcy and i hope you find some answers for yourself along the way.

Your Friendly Ginger From The Woods.

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