Day 2….. Part 2….?

The end of the day came with alot of wood cut and loaded out. about 4 trailer loads. I have managed to pick a spot for me to build my new home. Just a basic home for right now but it will expand. I hope to have this done by next winter, well I have to so i dont freeze to death. I hope it wont take much time as i got lots of resources around me. It will take time without doubt I will be able to get something up. I will get something so i wont die on the first year. Food is not a issue and neither is water, to acess both is easy and not a issue. The largest amoynt of havesting diffrent fungi and mushrooms have given me what I need from the forest. Having a abundent of dried vegtables and potatoes have given me the basics. I try to trap once a week to give myself some meats during the week. I have gotten quite lucky and gotten some raccstew. Just think about it, yes it was very very good. i dont have to worry to much about animals and getting garbarge meat. i am about 300 acers out from the closest human to even come close. another 22 km before you even come close to a small town. I am just happy. i have to clean dishes and make sure i have enough wood for the night. untill later,

Take care,

Your friendly wooden Ginger

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